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| The Golden Dragonfly specializes in hand made Native American jewelry and art designed by american indians. Celtic artwork, handcrafted original costuming, and wiccan ritual items. |
| Resource site for Native American art from a wide variety of artists, and galleries. Also links to publications about various Native American Art. Also dedicated to the preservation of Native Languages. |
| Golem Studio offers beautiful, unique, hand made ceramic and stoneware beads and jewelry made by Bulgarian artist Vladislav Ivanov and Kremena Ivanova |
| The artwork of IGMA Fellow Marsha Hedrick. Exquisite hand painted antique reproduction porcelain dollhouse dishes in one inch to the foot and smaller scales. Original porcelain fairies, dragons and fantasy creatures. |
| Creek pottery by registered Muscogee Creek artist Scott Roberts. Authentic Native American pottery in the style of the ancient Muscogee tribes of the Late Woodland and Missippian period 600 A.D. - 1650 A.D. |