Native American Pottery and Jewelry. Missippian period reproductions, orignal contemporary designs, hand dug clays, porcelain, stoneware pottery. Original art jewelry created in hand painted porcelain by Choctaw Indian artist Marsha Hedrick.
Unique Native American Art !
Authentic Native American Pottery & Jewelry
By Choctaw Artist Marsha Hedrick
(member Oklahoma Choctaw Nation)
Be sure to check out the videos in the
Information section of this website to see how I make my art. These are demonstration videos showing how the
Burnished finish of the pottery is accomplished and how the designs from the
Ancient Mimbres are painted.
- Original one of a kind hand built Native American pottery. Utilizing both hand dug and commercial clay bodies.
- Wood fired pottery.
- Animal effigy pieces (bottles and pots with animal forms). Reproductions of ancient pots. Original animal pieces.
- Interpretations of ancient Woodland period (400-800 A.D.) and Mississippian period (1200-1500 A.D.) Mound builder pottery.
- Original pottery shapes utilizing the ancient design elements.
- Contemporary designs with interesting materials. Techniques not often seen in Native American pottery designs including porcelain pottery.
- Miniature pottery in both contemporary and ancient styles and designs.
- Fresh interesting ideas.
- Original designs. Mostly created with high fired porcelain or stoneware pieces.
- Sculpted porcelain jewelry in the shapes of well known Native Americn icons. Arrowhead, feathers, eagle, ravens, etc.
- Intricate hand painted miniature art pieces featuring photo realistic animals.
- Individually made by well known miniature artist, IGMA Fellow Marsha Hedrick.
- Porcelain jewelry using unique hand made hand painted porcelain beads and components.
- Hand Beaded jewerly featuring hand made cabs, beads, pendants.
- Native American totems with powerful animal totems. Wolves, eagles, foxes, turtles, rabbits are frequent subject matter.
- Jewelry made in the shape of birds or animals.
- Mound builder designs are utilized as a starting point for creating unique new jewelry .
- Sculpted pieces, hand made from fine porcelain or stoneware. Most are glazed.
- Meticulous hand painted pieces. Underglazes and China paints are used to create unique miniature pieces of wearable art.
- China Painting process requires the painting and firing of each piece from 3 to 10 times to achieve the depth of color and detail which you see.
- The artwork will not rub off or fade.
- Many pieces are accompanied by hand made viking knit chains in silver, jewelrs bronze, or copper.
- Each of these authentic American Indian art heirlooms can be worn and passed down for generations to come.
- Each piece comes with a certificate of authenticity.
- The significance or origin of the design, traditional powers associated with a given animal, history included with each piece.
Some designs are available as beads or pendants you can use in your own creations. To see these please visit
Marsha's Bead shop.