Smokin' Birdstone
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Smokin' Birdstone

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Smokin' Birdstone

This smokin' buddy is a reproduction of an elongated bird head piece that was carved in greenstone, and dated to the Woodland period of 200-500 A.D. 
The original artifact was found in the Turkey Creek Mound in Brevard County Florida.
It differs from the original artifact in that it is much smaller than the original and it is designed to hold a hand rolled cigarette making it easier to hold and smoke and prevent finger staining and burning.  They each have a wire collar with a loop and come with a leather cord so they can be worn as a necklace.

The buddies are hand formed from Native Clay which I dig and process myself.  The details were carved in and they were hand burnished using a polished stone.  They were then fired traditionally in a wood fire which was smothered with manure creating the rich black color.

Size: 4" long by .75" wide