Rosemary herb
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Rosemary herb

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Rosemary herb
Price: $5.00

You will receive a packet as shown below.  The bag you will receive holds as much herb as is shown in the spice bottle for comparison, but it is bagged in a ziplock bag.  

Known to to be soothing and encourages a sense of peace within your environment, removes negative energy from places and spaces.  Burn to purify spaces and rid them of negative energy.  Burn rosemary and juniper for healing and recuperation. 

Because of the soothing and calming effects it is useful to aid in sleep.

Rosemary can also be smoked or added to smoking blends and is said to help with memory and concentration

Rosemary stimulates the central nervous system and circulation.  It can be  used to alleviate the pain of sprains, arthritis, sciatica and neuralgia. Traditionally it has been used to ease asthma. “The essential oils in rosemary leaf can block histamine, the chemical culprit of both asthma and allergies.
   In dream pillows it is said to prevent nightmares.  Can be used in love spells.
   Rosemary has a long herbal tradition as a herb that improves concentration and memory.  Particularly effective when reading or studying.  Just smelling it is said to improve memory and concentration.