Choctaw Art Pottery-Gallery Area -- Native American Pottery in Miniature. - 3 inches and smaller and 1:12 scale miniatures
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You are browsing Gallery--Native American Pottery in Miniature. - 3 inches and smaller and 1:12 scale miniatures
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Miniatures Info
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The pottery in this category is miniature. Less than 3 inches total size. Many of the miniatures presesnted here are 1:12 scale miniatures suitable for use in Dolls Houses and other 1:12 scale miniature scenes.
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Maveric Mountain Polychrome
Spirals and Squiggles
Tiny Miniature Bowl - HohokamDesign
Fox figurine
Calusa Cat Effigy Statue - Miniature
Piassa Pot -mini
Butterfly Miniature Porcelain Pot
Hummingbird Hanging Miniature Porcelain Pot
4 head Eagle Miniature Porcelain Pot
Southeastern collage Miniature Porcelain Pot
Flying Serpent Miniature Porcelain Pot
Miniature Porcelain Pot - flower mandela2
Mimbres Style Rabbit Miniature Porcelain Pot
Hummingbird Miniature Porcelain Pot
Southeastern Bowl - porcelain
Southeastern collage Miniature Porcelain Pot
Miniature Raven Sculpture
Tiny Porcelain Rabbit Bowl
Avanyu Bowl
Hooded effigy bottle - Small
Small Turtle
Ex small Turtle
Small Panther Pot
Small Entwined Snake pot
Rabbit Bowl - Mimbres Design
Grasshopper Bowl - Mimbres Design
Grasshopper Bowl - Mimbres Design
Bug Bowl - Mimbres Design
Rabbit Bowl - Mimbres Design
Grasshopper Bowl - Mimbres Design
Bug Bowl - Mimbres Design
Rabbit Bowl - Mimbres Design
Dragonfly Bowl - Mimbres Design
Small Mimbres Design Pot
Falcon Platform Pipe -- SCALE MINIATURE
War Pipe -- Plains style pipe MINIATURE
Sm Lily Pot
Horny Toad Bowl - Mimbres Design
Bird Water Bottle - Small
Piassa Effigy -Miniature Teapot
Caddo Small Round Pot - Miniature
Lizard pot - Mimbres Design
Casa Grande Bowl
Snowflake Bowl -Small - Anasazi Design
Miniature Bowl - Mimbre Design
Buck Mound Urn Reproduction - Small
Fish Bowl - Small
Tiny Hooded Bottle
Serpent Bowl - Miniature
Fish Bowl - Miniature
Incised Bottle - Flying Serpents - Miniature
Bear Bottle - Small
Turtle - Small
Round Caddo Style Pot - Small
Otter Bottle - Small
Round Pot - Miniature
Possum Bottle - Small
Miniature Animal Effigy Water Bottle
Tiny Animal Effigy Water Bottle
Lizard Pot - Miniature
Caddo Small Round Bowl - Miniature
Piassa Effigy -Miniature Bowl
Deep Carved Bottle - Serpents - Miniature
Incised Creek/Choctaw style pot - Mini
Bird Water Bottle - Small
Caddo Gourd bottle - Miniature
Caddo 3 Legged Bottle - Miniature
Caddo Duck bowl- Miniature
Caddo Small Round Pot - Miniature
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Marsha Hedrick